Thursday, November 23, 2006


Feeling sian (just like Zhen Wei the annoying SJI assclown, JKJK), so I decided to blog again lor. Today was mainly Scouts, we assembled in school at 8 and training began with the screwed-up flag-pole and screwed-up Mathias Fong (what natural hair color rubbish). After that we were supposed to build a flagpole, and Arthur took immense joy in making us build it, take it down, decrease the time limit, build it again, and so on, all the way till 11 plus. when he decided to make us do PT instead. Then we went to change and get ready for General Fall-Out, ONLY FOR THE SEC ONES AND THREES!!! Surprise surprise, enthu Arthur was making us stay till 5! There was a long lunch break, during which a few Sec Twos seized the opportunity to escape, and the rest of us walked to Esso to eat cup noodles. After lunch we did footdrill, assessed first by Kenny then by Arthur. Static, Mobile, the usual stuff, and we also learned two new "moves", dunno how to say so nvm.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

P o s t (again)

Haven't posted in a while lol...too lazy to update but the main reason is that, as usual, I'm not allowed to use the computer again, even after mugging 5 hours a month before the Final Year Exams and getting into 331 and possibly Maths TDP. And of course as usual everyone doesn't believe me....what am I supposed to say, lol?

Anyway I would say that the most important thing that has happened to me the past week is the "Twit" incident. A week ago or so I got bored of slaughtering the Jr. Yetis and so I brought MrQuek to FM, to find a Maple gf (NO COMMENTS PLEASE). The girl I asked said she was already attached, but asked me if I could be her "kor" instead, which I accepted. Then the following day I got another "Mei", both are Sec 1 this year lol. After adding them on MSN and talking to them, it didn't take me long to notice that de way dey toked was usually lyk diish (perhaps their being in neighbourhood schools had something to do with it). Obviously, after talking to them for a while, my subconsciousness was gradually assimilated into their "unique organisation of cognitive processes", and I began toking liddat 2. The trouble first started when Ryan came back from Surabaya, I said something to him on MSN and the sentence ended with a "worrs", "worhs" or whatever.

Ryan : Darrell, don't go down that side
Me : What side
Ryan : The "worrs" side

The week after that Darren decided to start playing Maple again. I was talking to my "Mei" on Buddy Chat, and it wasn't long before Darren called me a twit, because he was on MrQuek's buddy list and thus could see the chat. Shortly after that, Ryan called me the same thing, and the day after I accidentally "twit-talked" to JJ and he called me a twit too. Of course the fact that none of them told me what a twit is was infuriating, and I only found out tonight when I asked Darren. L O L.

Today I also had the first part of the Scouts Energy Conservation Course. We were told to meet at Cineleisure at 8.30, and I was a bit surprised to note that people actually came. In fact the attendence was almost full, except for 2 people who couldn't make it because they were overseas. As you may have guessed by now, they only turned up because we would get a badge, and of course all of them said that they weren't coming for the Thursday training lol. The course itself...well actually all of us found it quite boring, the lady was telling us things like "the Pasir Panjang power plant is the oldest one in Singapore", "the Senoko power plant produces the most power" etc. OMG. Marcus kept disturbing me, so after many warnings I poked him hard with a pen (there was a bit of blood oops) and he said in his Philippine accent "You don't do this to me, or I call maid agency and tell them employer abuse maid"; the "employer" being me and the "maid" being him. Then me, being who I am, said "You don't do this to me, or I call maid agency and tell them maid abuse employer". omgalvisteoyilong. (By the way he does drugs) That made everyone laugh lol. And of course the best part of the course was that we got homework (what did you expect). After the course Nicholas and a few other people (including me of course) went to the Cineleisure Burger King for lunch. Xiang An came along although he didn't have money, and took quite a few of my fries before I licked the whole packet to make sure he didn't want anymore. But he was so despo he was even willing to eat the fry that I dropped on the floor lol.

Kkaes, goin tuhh slp liaoX

Friday, November 10, 2006

P o s t

Wah - last post was almost a month many things happened during then, I'm too lazy (and it'll take a lot of time) to recount all of them, so I'd rather not. Some of the more memorable examples would be today, getting back the results, ACE Camp, and of course Ryan finally deciding to share MrQuek with me. (Screwed up workglove xD) However, I'm still trying to figure out a way of transferring my tobi in MageKnightX to MrQuek lol. By the way, today I was in the Free Market and someone played drop game with a tobi - and another person actually picked it up! Then the guy was like begging for him to give it back, and everyone around him was saying "LOL". I've been chionging MrQuek at Jr. Yeti the past few days, I know Hector is better but the spawn rate is not as good and they are very big - so I always cannot shoot properly. Jr. Yeti also drops Glove For Attack scroll - I was sharing the map with a Fire Wizard and in 5 hours he got 2 scrolls and I got none T.T.

However, I feel that the most important day is Monday - our class' farewell party, where we said goodbye to Daniel, Hsiang Wei and Mr. Charles. First we were playing Dead Or Alive on the Xbox, then we watched The Omen, then we had dinner which was pizzas and bee hoon and A LOT of drinks. Alec also finally allowed us to eat his precious curry puffs. Speaking of Alec, he told us during the ACE Camp that he would cry at the farewell party, 'cause he's a very emotional person (WHO TOOK MY BISCUIT) and I was telling John Mak to remember to bring his camera to take a picture of him. Alas, in the end Alec didn't cry. In fact, no one cried (I mean, who would?) but after really spending some time thinking about 206 and all the good times and special moments we'd shared in the past two years, I did feel a little teary myself. John Mak, prepare your camera!