Thursday, August 31, 2006

Teacher's Day

Went to school this morning...And got a big shock when Alec told me he hadn't bought the tape yet. You know, the one for Computer Studies our groups lost and have to replace? And Mrs. Goh said that if we didn't buy new one we couldn't take the English Exam. I doubt she'll really do that, because it seems kind of...too extreme. I am also seriously starting to dislike CS because now we are learning Visual Basics and ever since we started a few months ago I have lost track of what's going on....And everytime I don't finish the assignment and have to copy from Egg.
Anyway, at first there were only a few people in class....Then slowly got more and more....The stupid ACES thingy was cancelled because it was raining so we all stayed in class....Taupoked and Musical Chairs. When John Mak was changing Alec used his handphone and tried to take a picture of him lol. Then for revenge when Alec was changing they taupoked him. Hence I decided to go to the toilet to change in case something happened to me. After that we went to the PAC to watch the concert...Got some singing, some music playing and finally a slide show-movie by the Secondary Fours about some teachers. Yay now we have something to disturb Ms. Mara about.
Then went back to Primary school with Pei Hwa peeps....Walked around the staff room 5 times and on the last time Mrs. Wang saw me and started talking to me. She asked me what CCA I was in and I said Scouts, then she said : Oh I was in Girl Guides. 0.o Saw some of the Grace 6 girls - they all look weird [short?] All the hairstyle also change. I went to the toilet, and smelt smoke (as in the cigarette kind) inside, then this poser guy who was sitting by the sink and listening to music said : "Darrell". I thought he looked quite familiar but didn't know who he was, so I said : "Who are you?" After that I realized he was Renzo. Then I asked him if he smoked and he said : "Last time". 0.o! Then all of them wanted to go to KFC to eat but as it was already 1.30pm and I had to go home and study I went to the market by myself for lunch then went home. T_T Everyday must study....For 1 more month! Lol...........


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