Thursday, August 31, 2006

Teacher's Day

Went to school this morning...And got a big shock when Alec told me he hadn't bought the tape yet. You know, the one for Computer Studies our groups lost and have to replace? And Mrs. Goh said that if we didn't buy new one we couldn't take the English Exam. I doubt she'll really do that, because it seems kind of...too extreme. I am also seriously starting to dislike CS because now we are learning Visual Basics and ever since we started a few months ago I have lost track of what's going on....And everytime I don't finish the assignment and have to copy from Egg.
Anyway, at first there were only a few people in class....Then slowly got more and more....The stupid ACES thingy was cancelled because it was raining so we all stayed in class....Taupoked and Musical Chairs. When John Mak was changing Alec used his handphone and tried to take a picture of him lol. Then for revenge when Alec was changing they taupoked him. Hence I decided to go to the toilet to change in case something happened to me. After that we went to the PAC to watch the concert...Got some singing, some music playing and finally a slide show-movie by the Secondary Fours about some teachers. Yay now we have something to disturb Ms. Mara about.
Then went back to Primary school with Pei Hwa peeps....Walked around the staff room 5 times and on the last time Mrs. Wang saw me and started talking to me. She asked me what CCA I was in and I said Scouts, then she said : Oh I was in Girl Guides. 0.o Saw some of the Grace 6 girls - they all look weird [short?] All the hairstyle also change. I went to the toilet, and smelt smoke (as in the cigarette kind) inside, then this poser guy who was sitting by the sink and listening to music said : "Darrell". I thought he looked quite familiar but didn't know who he was, so I said : "Who are you?" After that I realized he was Renzo. Then I asked him if he smoked and he said : "Last time". 0.o! Then all of them wanted to go to KFC to eat but as it was already 1.30pm and I had to go home and study I went to the market by myself for lunch then went home. T_T Everyday must study....For 1 more month! Lol...........

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Yay - School Holidae today and Friday. Can't slack though....Must start doing Science revision while all my friends are happily immersed in the world of GunZ. [wtf] Stayed in school until 4.30 yesterday to photocopy the Past Year Papers.....Only Science though because Mrs. Khoo just gave us a thick stack of Past Year Class Test Papers for us to do, and she said that if we finished them we'd be ready for the paper. Lol. On Monday morning Mrs. Hsu asked me to go see her - she said I wasn't really "prepared" about the Oral topic I'd done the week before and so she was going to give me a "re-test", but I screwed it up T_T. Barely passed Chinese this term with 51/100....and English too...52/100. At least it's not so bad because I know almost everyone screwed up too. Overall, I got 9th in class. -_-

Friday, August 25, 2006


So many things happened today...lets see.....
First, as usual, Charles picked on me again, along with Johnny Johnston. Sigh. After Chinese, Yuan Lao Shi asked me to put the books on her table, and then I went to return my library book. Sian the fine was $2.60. After we played catching (Muthu was the Ultimate Loser) I asked Ashesh for the money for the book. All I did was call him Preethi Madras and he kicked my knee, which was where I got injured last Sunday when I fell down while roller-blading at East Coast Park. The scab was just beginning to form and no more pus (the yellow sticky thing) was coming out and he had to kick it and tear the skin off and make it bleed again. I got so angry I punched him hard in the stomach. For PSE we went to the PAC where we watched an Indian "movie". I started falling asleep but woke up immediately when I saw the "demoness" coming up the stairs - I thought they were choosing people for something and I was sitting right at the side with John Mak! Fortunately, they didn't. I think if I ever had to go up on stage I would freak out. =P. When we got back to class there was a massive taupok session where Matthew, Ryan, JJ and Qi Lin all got taupoked. Obviously Darren's table got "hit" again. Oh dear. Muthu, Val, Ashesh, Alec, Matthew and I were playing "Sh*t," and Mak was kicking the ball around. The class looked like a tornado had passed through it lol.
Sian later still must go for Taekwondo, with injured knee and all.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Got scolded

These few days keep getting blamed in class...Especially Mr. Charles period - Darrell Quek this...Darrell Quek that...Sit on the floor for laughing...Not like everyone else never talk and laugh also right? And Mrs. Khoo - all I wanted was to get my pen back from Wen Jie and she was like "Darrell Quek! You think you got very high is it?" Just because that time everyone crowded around me and asked me Maths questions...from then on she "hated" me. It's not like I ASK them to come and ask me...They ownself come....Maybe it's because they aren't sure about certain concepts which were NOT EXPLAINED CLEARLY IN CLASS. Find the value of sin angle PRS. Then we went to sin the fraction during the Common Test. She only told us about the mistake AFTER we
got the papers back. And not before. So what? Now it's our fault again?
Music has also become less fun. At first I liked playing the melody of Quein Sera but after getting into our groups the first time today, I have been "forced" into playing the base.
So sad.......

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

What happened today

Sian. Just got back from Chinese Oral. Confirm fail. I read 10 words wrongly! And "sabo-ed" myself by throwing the dice and "making" it land on 2. Then I had to talk about the releasing of animals into government-protected areas. At the end I added in one last point which I suddenly remembered, and she blancoed something on the marks paper. Then she asked me : Where do you think these animals should be sent to instead? Silence. Then : Zhe shi kao shi leh. Ni bu ke yi tuo tai jiu. FAIL. Lol.
Now must start on Maths Revision liao. Learning Sec 1 topics! SO FUN! (yeah right). Got Biology results back - I was one of the top! 32.5! The highest was 34.5 - Dong Ying. Chia Chong Sie got 34 and he was so angry that he lost by half a mark.
Later still got Taekwondo. Everyone called me poser last lesson because of my hair. I'm still trying to think of a place I went (eg tuition) where people didn't say my hair sucked.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Busy Day

Today is Saturday, the busiest day for me besides Friday. Woke up at 10 in the morning, slacked around until 1 when I had to get ready for music lesson. Exam is on 6th of September : HELP. Stress lol. Then went for Skylace (yay). Ryan convinced the teacher to let us sit with the tables joined together after 7 lessons of sitting seperately by ourselves. At first he didn't want to, but then "discovered" that it was more "effective". Myn wants me to get her a dunnowhat "Worm" from Minitoons for her birthday present. Oh dear. Went to Suntec City to eat dinner - the queue was half an hour long T_T. Had no choice but to wait. Pet shop was full of cute bunnies. After that I went to Courts to play on their computers : The featured game was Quake 4 - It was quite scary, kinda dark and I was playing with headphones. The monsters would suddenly appear out of nowhere. Got new roller blades from Carrefour XD.
Must sleep now.

Friday, August 18, 2006

So tired....

Just came back from Taekwondo....So tired today. Luckily tomorrow is Saturday and I only have to start studying for Streaming from next Monday so can wake late tomorrow morning...
Anyway, this morning first two periods were tests : The Literature was a surprise one on Merchant of Venice Trial Scene and English was Situational Writing, of which I think I screwed up the format. The rest was OK....For Maths we got our papers back and Ms. Mara told us (fake?) ghost stories. I think George got a bit psychoed lol.
After that was Scouts. Mr. Charles was telling us about Blogging, and how certain people had posted explicit and nasty comments about Scouting and our Unit. Today was actually kind of slack, e.g. Mr. Charles gave us TEN minutes to change from Full-U to PT Kit. Basically we just did a bit of footdrill, then received the Healthy Lifestyle Proficiency and Scout Standard Badges.
.....had to rush home for Taekwondo. Arrived there late, and my hair was all screwed up - you know how it is.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

First Post

Well, after a long time, I've decided to start blogging again. I suppose since it's my first post it will be my longest. The PC's hard drive has crashed, and it doesn't look like it'll be repaired for quite a long time, so that means no more Maple for me! Hence I've decided to turn to blogging instead, which I can do on the Mac OS Laptop.
Anyway, today was the last day of the Common Tests : Mathematics, History and Biology. For the first one, there was MASS FAILURE - 17 out of 31 people FAILED! As for me, being the failed mathematician that I am, I got 34/50, tying with Nicholas. As usual, Haibo got 35.5, first in class. That is the only subject we've gotten our marks back for so far, meanwhile I think I've successfully screwed my Biology and History.
Went to Scouts HQ in Bishan after school today to buy my beret, wargle and pants. Sian got scouts tomorrow, like I don't have anything else better to do the day after my Common Tests have ended. Ms. Mara was telling us about working 6 hours a day for Streaming, I mean, that's like OVERBOARD. For me, if it's just one afternoon, I do 2 hours of work, and if it's a whole day, then 4 or maybe 5 hours. But NOT 6! And for only an afternoon too! If we already have to do this just in preparation for Streaming, then what will studying for O Levels be like?! Omg....